My name is Shalyn but people tend to just call me Shay. This blog holds words [mostly random] & photographs [lots of them] about my life along with bits and pieces of lifestyle & design.
I'm just a girl dancing around Austin , Texas with my husband, Drew [Drew Drew Hot Pants].I’ve been a blogger/photographer for over three years and have loved every moment of the journey.
I want to live my life with joy and bring joy to those around me. I strive to live in the moment and encourage others.
I have an insatiable longing to write about my journey of mistakes & triumphs. So this is my heart. Excited to grow as I share.
I chase the happy, & crave the heart stopping moments.
I'm a girl with a huge heart for family, friends, God and living my absolute best life.
I'm drink way too much Dr. Pepper and I eat way too many sour patch kids.
I squeal when I get excited and I smile ALL the time.
I'm thank God for blessing me in ways bigger than the sky [but mostly for DDHP].
I have a passion for all things creative. Photography stole my heart and there is no going back. There is no greater way to explain why I love what I do than to say it simply sets my heart & soul on fire.
When I'm not photographing, I'm spending time with DDHP who makes me laugh like no one else in the world. He's easy on the eyes and my very best friend. I'm 100% lucky in love and I'll never take that for granted.
When we aren't working, you can probably find us renovating our house, playing with our dogs and hedgehog, cuddling & watching movies, playing sports together, having dance parties in the living room, and just loving our life together.
I have learned to take flight, to spread my wings, to dream and grow, to do and be. But don’t be surprised if you see other things that continually inspire me.
In short: