Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

October Goals


Hey love monkeys!!! :)

It's about that time of year when my friends and family stop asking me what I'm doing and what my plans are on the weekends. WEDDING SEASON is here and I'm officially in game mode. October is about to ra-ra-rock me to the core and I'm over here putting black ink on my cheeks saying, "BRING IT!"

I'm actually going to keep things simple, straight and to the point today...I know, you're like yeahhhh right Shay, since when have you done that!? OH, since...NOW! :)

I'm currently about to finish editing a wedding and a bridal session, headed to a Pilates class, which will shortly be followed up by prepping for a wedding this weekend, which will then be followed up by an airplane ride straight to Portland, Oregon! I need coffee, coffee, coffee and energy drinks in mass amounts starting nooooow.

OH! Real quick! :) For inquiring minds...just thought I'd let y'all know that the watercolor print shop thing I've been doing for, oh...FOREVER now...yeah. We finally have a launch date.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th LADIES AND GENTS! Mark them calendars!!!! :) I'll be writing a post here later this month about how the shop will run, what will be available, etc. etc. I'm really nervous/excited y'all! I hope you are too! :)

Alright, let's get on with it shall we? :)



Photograph Three Bridal Sessions

Photograph Two Weddings

Pay It Forward

Finish ALL Summer Weddings to prepare for a busy Fall season

Repaint Kitchen

Finish Kitchen Floors/Countertops

Go on a date with Drew

Get Hair Done

Clean off Computer Desktops and Organize Hard drives (again)

Organize File Cabinet and DVD backup drives

Join Cycling or Pilates Class on a regular basis

Declutter Home

Clean out CLOSET

Re-Organize Office (I need a little refresh right about now) :)

Get Cameras and Lenses Serviced/Cleaned

Practice on my CONTAX more (Waiting on my first two rolls as we speak! SO excited and nervous!)

October Goals

Attend Erich McVey Workshop (!!!)


Photograph Three Weddings

Photograph Six Sessions

Pay It Forward

Go on a HOT date with Drew

Celebrate my Brother's Birthday

Meet my love muffin from South Africa Caley! :)

Go to the Pumpkin Patch

Organize File Cabinet and DVD backup drives

Continue attending Pilates Class - Add a Cycling Class during the week steps!

Declutter Home - Clean out CLOSET


Whooty whootyyyyy shakeeee yoooo booootayyyy! :)

Oh, and here's a playlist for you guys! ENJOY!!! :)

Shaytastic Mix October by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark

Summer & September Goals - What It Do


You can purchase the print above here. 

Happy Tuesday Y'all! Thank you SO much for your incredibly kind comments on my last post and for being excited for me. It really does mean so much to this big fat emotional heart of mine. Y'all make my day all day erry day and I MEAN IT. I'm scared to start typing right now y'all because it's been over THREE MONTHS since I last posted my goals. I've been still keeping up with them over here, but I've failed to post them. I'm so awesome sometimes.

The reality is that this summer has been a whirlwind. I have barely been home, my head has been spinning between balancing my full plate of clients, weddings, the watercolor shop, family and friend obligations, and some behind the scenes happenings that I'll be sharing soon with you guys. I would say that "B" word that ends with "USY"... However,  I'm really trying to take that word out of my vocabulary. ;)

Before I go into my goals, a lot of people have been asking about the Watercolor Shop! :) I still can't even believe that this fun hobby has even had the response it's had...But THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT! I actually started to open up the shop in May, but my husband reminded me of how crazy this summer was going to be, and how little time I would have to do them. And he was right. I couldn't balance my photography clients and the watercolor shop at that time, whatsoever, because my photography business comes first and foremost. SO, please bare with me while I get my ducks lined in a row. I still have some deadlines and photography related things to take care of, and as soon as I have some time to come up for air to launch this shop, you guys will be the first to know. I just haven't been home enough to even take orders or get my prints ready to send out. The good news is that we are close and it will be happening in the next few weeks. I have had to keep pushing it back due to orders, my schedule, traveling, and waiting on packing and packaging supplies to come in. It's more work than it looks, I'll tell ya that! :) I just want to wait until I am fully organized and have a moment to breathe before I say, "LET'S DO THIS!" :) Thank you for your patience and understanding as this little side journey has been a blessing for me in a thousand and one ways.

Let's see how I did with those May goals that were forever ago.

Introduce Hattie for the zillionth time (It's really going to happen this month or y'all can come and shave me bald. For reals.) Maybe being bald isn't a bad option at this point. See next goal. 
Get my hair did {screwed up}! :) Happened in June
Finish Blog Design  Done in July/August
Make Website Final Touches
Order Watercolor Print examples from local printers 
Photograph Two Weddings 
Photograph Four Sessions
Attend my friend Amy's Bachelorette Party
Attend and celebrate my sister-in-law graduating and getting her MASTERS from Texas A&M Photograph my first official editorial session for a fashion line - REALLY excited about this! 
Go to bed before 11 PM - Wake Up before 8 AM - Establish healthier sleeping schedule because I am all sorts of messed up right now. Yep. Still all sorts of messed up. 
Work out twice a week - No Shay, the stairs in your house don't count.
Take more work breaks to stretch and de-stress.
Go wake boarding! 
Drink MORE water. I'm getting bad about this lately and my kidneys are starting to kick me.   I TOLD YOU THEY WERE KICKING ME! HAHAHAHA. 
Continue Home Tour IF I am caught up on my editing…which leads me to my next goal…
Find a better system and schedule to balance work, editing, and my fun side of blogging to where it doesn't stress me out or spread me out too thin. I want to get back in a better blogging routine. It's going to happen. I just need to clear my list- baby steps. Didn't happen in May, but it's happening now. 
Pay It Forward. 
Go on a picnic with DDHP and make out with him under a tree or something. ;) YOLO! (I hate this term lol but it just seems appropriate right now.)

What went down in June? 

- Photographed a dear friends wedding in Galveston...with kidney stones, but I didn't know it until the next day. I was just in pain and thought it was a kidney infection. An urgent care, an ER visit, a Dr. appointment, a urology appointment, an x-ray, many pain pills, a surgery, a load of medical bills, and a ton of water and lemonade later... I am good as new y'all! :)

- Photographed a calligraphy class with LH Calligraphy. I also photographed this with kidney stones. CHAMP STATUS WHAT WHAT! I still don't know how I did it, but I did and that's all that matters.

-Photographed a precious wedding in Longview, Texas

-Went on a picnic date with DDHP and celebrated 8 wonderful years of dating

-Drew broke up the tile floors in the kitchen (AKA, BEST DAY EVER)

- Got a haircut and a terrible ombre' job. I'm still needing to get it fixed. You won't be seeing this head on any hair, ever. Haha.

And July? 

-We helped my sister-in-law move out of her apartment here in Austin.

-Visited with family back at home in Jewett / Family Obligations

-Watched a movie with my grandparents (loved this)

-Photographed a wedding in Conroe, Texas

-Attended my sister-in-law's bridal shower in Lufkin

-Photographed an engagement session (had an awesome time), but then realized I locked my keys in my car out in the middle of nowhere, had to call Pop-A-Lock, wait in a booth with a stranger guy for an hour (who was actually really nice lol) and then got a speeding ticket. ALL in a span of 4 hours. Good stuff. I didn't have my brain turned on apparently.

- Photographed a wedding in Dallas, Texas

- BOUGHT A CONTAX 645 FINALLY AFTER FOREVERRRRR (sandlot style) OF SAVING. I cried. I danced. I sang. I made out with it.

- Had dinner with some of my lovely photographer friends

-Got a new washer because our washer broke andddd four days later...

- Had to get our home AC fixed because it leaked water into our hallway and ruined our flooring. We JUST replaced these y'all. Poor DDHP. I am beginning to think this house is cursed. Seriously. Lol. #houseownerprobs

-Got new shoes tires for my car

- Attended my sister-in-law's couples shower/BBQ in Huntsville

-Photographed a wedding in San Antonio

-EDITING GALORE. Literally, hibernation EDIT went down over here. My social life was non-existent. Still kinda is season.

So, I guess you haven't missed anything too exciting. Especially if you follow me on Instagram. June and July were FULL of fun days, bad days, stressful days, and very, very expensive days. Life, you're funny like that. But I still love you more than ever.

Alright- I'm gonna ease back into this. Mostly because this post is already longer than the Nile River andddd if you're still reading, I want you to come over here so I can hug you.

And August?

August was looking to be a simple month about 3 months ago, but all of the sudden it got wham bam crazy-town . I'm okay with it though. There are some awesome things happening this month.

- Launch Blog (DONE SON!)

-Attend my awesome friend Brittany's Baby Shower in La Grange 

-Attend my super cool nephew's 2nd Birthday Party 

-Dinner with my friend Callie because SHE JUST GOT ENGAGED and I'm SO excited for her! 

-I was supposed to speak yesterday on instagram 101 at a workshop, but something BIG came up for the girl who was putting it on and so that is postponed until further notice. It will happen eventually.

-Stand by my sister-in-law at her WEDDING and as her MOH 

-Photograph the brunch at the 100 Event in Dallas

The Glow Workshop Prep / Set Date 

-Attend my friend Emily's Gender Reveal in Dallas because I literally have 26 pregnant friends right now and it's all kinds of crazy and awesome. I AM NOT EXAGGERATING Y'ALL. Drew and I must have not got the memo for baby making this year lol. I am going to be one awesome Aunt Shay Shay. I may be broke (HAVE YOU SEEN BABY CLOTHES!?), but at least I'll be well-trained in baby snuggles. BABIES! ERRYWHERE! And I love it. But I must ask...where is this water everyone seems to be drinkin? ;)

-Fly to Charleston, SC for 24 hours to photograph an engagement session

-Surprise Stephanie in Toronto, Canada and hug her face off

-Photograph two bridal sessions

-Photograph a wedding in Bawwwwston and see my love muffin Erica

-Pay it forward.

-Smile even on the bad days

-Play with Connie (my Contax, you KNOW I had to give her a name) and get acquainted. I'm hoping to send in my first roll of film...Even if it's of a pillow, a stick, dead grass or my pets. It's FILM!

-Shake what my Mama Gave Me!

-Keep up my coconut oil routine... (Y'all....Two Words: COCONUT OIL!)

-Get kitchen floors done (LONG STORY. Can't wait to tell you about it...Sigh...) (They are in my house as I type this redoing the floors.

-Pick the best Fantasy League Football Team EVER (haha) I AM SO READY FOR FOOTBALL! Sundays just aren't the same!

-Order Prints and Ordering Supplies for THE SHOP

And and and...Boom. (This reference is dedicated to my childhood friend, Hilary)

Y'ALL! It's September 2nd. This year is flying by Buzz Lightyear style. Yo clock...chillax.

Here are my September Goals. I'll be surprised if you made it this far! :) 


Photograph Three Bridal Sessions

Photograph Two Weddings

Pay It Forward

Finish ALL Summer Weddings to prepare for a busy Fall season

Repaint Kitchen

Finish Kitchen Floors/Countertops

Go on a date with Drew

Get Hair Done

Clean off Computer Desktops and Organize Hard drives (again)

Organize File Cabinet and DVD backup drives

Join Cycling or Pilates Class on a regular basis

Declutter Home

Clean out CLOSET & Garage

Re-Organize Office (I need a little refresh right about now) :)

Get Cameras and Lenses Serviced/Cleaned

Practice on my CONTAX more (Waiting on my first two rolls as we speak! SO excited and nervous!)

AND BECAUSE THIS POST ISN'T LONG ENOUGH ALREADY! Here's a playlist to get you through your work week! :)

So Shay Mix September by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark

As always, what are your monthly goals??? :) I love reading y'alls!

Peace and Hair Grease Y'all! Thanks for reading how much I've slackalacked. It happens.

*Knuckle Bumps*

May Goals & A Video From Charleston, SC! :)


Hey guys! Hey there! Hey! What it do!? I am currently coming to you LIVE from a messy desk and red, sleepy eyeballs. I'm treading water with my head barely above the waves so if I starting gargling in this post, that means I'm drowning and I need some hot pink floaties sent my way STAT! That or a surf board. ...Surf-booAUrd. (I hope you read that in the Beyonce' voice!)

AHH! This blog. I miss it. I miss it so much.

April was a whirlwind of awesome and just pure insanity. Wedding season is kinda kicking my booty but in the best way.  I'm about to hibernate for the rest of the month just so I can get caught up and get a hold of my schedule LIFE. I was lucky enough to photograph three incredible weddings (Austin, Houston, and Charleston, SC) and six separate sessions during those weeks. I'm a little more behind than I PERSONALLY wanted to be at this point (atleast in my unrealistic brain), but I seem to always think I can get more done in a day than is humanly possible. Drew had to knock some sense into me the other day and I'm so thankful he did. It's like I KNOW these things but it always helps when someone just tells it to you straight. He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Shalyn. You're doing an amazing job. You are. The reason you don't think you are is because you put TEN things on your to-do list a day. You're only getting TWO of those tasks done a day (and that's PERFECT and A LOT of work you're getting done!) BUT at the end of the day, all you're seeing is eight things that didn't get done. You need to be nicer to yourself. Be realistic. Put one thing on your list a day and mark it off. You will go to bed feeling better and will wake up not feeling so overwhelmed." The sexy man had a point. I knew I married him for a reason. I really do need to get better about my daily expectations and just being nicer to myself. I'm SO hard on this body of mine and I'm finding myself not taking care of it. May will be hands down, hibernation and survival month. I'm going to keep my head down, crank it out one thing at a time, reward myself with a sno-cone maybe and then get back to it. Can I get a boom jackalacka AMEN!?

I may not have accomplished all my goals this month, but I DID however get to mark off one of my YEARLY goals at the beginning of the month and that was going to VEGAS with some of the best ladies in the world. Taking a mini-vacation in the middle of my busiest wedding season probably wasn't the smartest idea, but then again, it was and when I booked the trip, I didn't know I was going to be so busy. Regardless, I needed that more than I knew. I haven't recapped my trip due to work deadlines but you can check out that weekend HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Erica made a video of our trip too that you can see right HERE.

Also, can I just say… I AM IN LOVE WITH CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA!? HOW IN THE WORLD DID I NOT LET MYSELF VISIT BEFORE NOW!? I want to move there. When we left, Drew and I decided that we are going to make it our summer vacation spot in the future with our family. No doubt. Thankfully, we had the chance to not only photograph the most beautiful wedding day, but we also got the chance to spend ONE full day in Charleston  to play (WORK HARD, PLAY HARD) and WE HAD THE TIME OF OUR LIVES. I really pray we get to travel for weddings more and experience cities that we have never visited before. I think I looked at Drew almost every five minutes and just said, "I'm so happy right now." AH. Take me back. The best feeling. Charleston, you really helped this stressed out heart and mind of mine. Thank you.

Alrighty then. Let's get to it! I already am dreading this because I know I did SO bad. But I did the best I could. You win some, you lose some.

April Goals

Vacation in Vegas with my blog best friends (DONE SON! AND it was a blast!!)
Introduce Hattie for the zillionth time
Anniversary Shoot (Had to reschedule)
Get my hair did! :) 
Start reading The Law of Divine Compensation Two chapters counts right? :) 
FINISH my website. Boom. 
Finish Editing All March Sessions and Weddings  (Wrapping up my last March wedding as we speak! Close enough! ;))
Photograph 6 Sessions
Photograph 3 Weddings

Finish my Blog with Kelly (Almost!)
Go on a date with Drew
Go to Charleston, SC to photograph a wedding (SO excited!)
Have another "Pretend you have a co-worker" Day!

Pay it Forward
Continue Tour of our Home

May Goals

Introduce Hattie for the zillionth time (It's really going to happen this month or y'all can come and shave me bald. For reals.)

Anniversary Shoot (Had to reschedule) (Not sure when this is going to happen but it will. We had to put it on hold due to scheduling conflicts! Taking off until further notice.)

Get my hair did! :) My hair is straight up NASTY. I just don't know if I want highlights or a touch up on my ombre (again). What should I do!? I want a change.

Finish Blog Design (We are close!)

Make Website Final Touches

Order Watercolor Print examples from local printers 

Photograph Two Weddings (Photographed one already on May 3rd…guess that's what happens when you post your goals on May 6th…SLACKER ALERT! Not really, just swamped y'all.)

Photograph Four Sessions

Attend my friend Amy's Bachelorette Party

Attend and celebrate my sister-in-law graduating and getting her MASTERS from Texas A&M 

Photograph my first official editorial session for a fashion line - REALLY excited about this! 

Go to bed before 11 PM - Wake Up before 8 AM - Establish healthier sleeping schedule because I am all sorts of messed up right now.

Work out twice a week - No Shay, the stairs in your house don't count.

Take more work breaks to stretch and de-stress.

Go wakeboarding! 

Drink MORE water. I'm getting bad about this lately and my kidneys are starting to kick me. 

Continue Home Tour IF I am caught up on my editing…which leads me to my next goal…

Find a better system and schedule to balance work, editing, and my fun side of blogging to where it doesn't stress me out or spread me out too thin. I want to get back in a better blogging routine. It's going to happen. I just need to clear my list- baby steps. 

Pay It Forward. 

Go on a picnic with DDHP and make out with him under a tree or something. ;) YOLO! (I hate this term lol but it just seems appropriate right now.)

Well! Happy MAY! Goodness… I can't believe it's MAY. WHAT IN THE WORLD, WORLD!? I hope your month is full of amazing things y'all. Love you guys!!! 

AND because I know how BAD I've been at blogging lately…I guess I'll go ahead and close this post out with a little video from our trip to Charleston or I'll probably forget to post it. It's super cheesy. You're welcome.  

Dear Charleston, We Love You! Love, The Nelsons from shalyn nelson on Vimeo.

April Goals


Gooooooodness Gracious. I have been absolutely awesome at posting my goals a little late in the month haven't I? I just got around to my e-mails after my mini vacation to Vegas with my friends, and in the subject line it said, "SHAY! WHERE ARE YOUR MONTHLY GOALS!?" Haha! :)  I thought it was absolutely crazy (and cute) that one of my friends thought I forgot about my goals for the month. That and the fact that SOMEONE (insert cricket noises here!) actually reads them and cares to follow along to see if I succeeded or failed makes me smile. Who would have thought? Anyway, I didn't forget. I just had a busy beginning to the month and had a few priorities that ranked a little higher on the list.  It's cool y'all. It's cool.

March was a whirlwind. It started my wedding season and boy is it in FULL swing. I am barely in the office these days it feels like because of meetings, photo shoots out of town, and when I am in the office, I am editing away and answering e-mails like a crazy lady. I realized last month that I am in need of some help around here. I've been weighing HEAVILY on the pros-and-cons of getting an intern (even for just one day a week) to help me with small errands and things that take up so much of my time. The fact that I'm even in a place where I can say, " I NEED HELP" or "I CAN'T DO IT ALL" is a really big blessing in itself. I never thought I would be here, but I am and it's exciting but scary. Do you have an intern? Do you have a good experience with it? My heart is really praying on it right now.

Watercolor orders have filled any and all free time I had. I am loving it and can't believe people actually want one from me. When I get e-mails about them, I just smile and think "NO WAY!" It has been the best creative outlet for me and is a great break from editing when my eyes start to go cross eyed and it also helps fill my evening time. Now that Drew travels so much, it's been nice to have this to help pass the time after hours. If you would like a watercolor print, please e-mail me at I'll have shop up in the next few months! My sister-in-law (DDHP's twin) also got engaged (YAYAYAY!) and she asked me to be the MOH! I've never been an MOH before so any advice is accepted around these parts! :) I'm so stinking excited! :)

Anyway- It's been a good kinda crazy over here, but I'm smiling and happy and trying to focus on all the good. I'm dealing with a few hardships at the moment that are private, but I'm trying to stay positive. Prayer Warriors...I need you reallllly bad right now! :) If you could say a big prayer for my family, I would be forever, EVER grateful. It would mean the world to us.

I'm actually yawning this as I type because I just got back from my Vegas vacation with my beautiful blogging babes that I met 3 years ago here (Erica, Rissy, Ashley, and Sabrina). We had so much fun and Vegas was so good to us! My body is craving sleep but it was well worth it. I'll hopefully have a recap up soon! :) Erica ended up taking a Go Pro too so be looking for a silly video in the near future! :) Those girls have my heart y'all! April is hands down going to be the busiest month in the world. I just keep repeating to myself...YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS! :)

OKAY- Let's see how I did with my March Goals.

Finish Editing ALL February Sessions
Post Ryan Ray Photos
Introduce Hattie (I am embarrassed. I know. But it's staying until I freakin' do it y'all!)
Celebrate 5 Year Wedding Anniversary with my HOT PANTS!!!
Photograph 3 Weddings
Photograph 7 Sessions

Get out in the sun more. My Vitamin D level is so low according to my recent blood work.
Anniversary Photo Shoot
Go to the Kite Festival with Drew (It got cancelled due to rain. BOO!)
Go to SXSW!!! (Freakin' pumped y'all!)
Explore those new branches I spoke about above

Start the process of changing my BLOG DESIGN with Kelly
Finish my website. Boom.
Pay it Forward
Get my hair did! :)
FINISH TAXES. Gross. Barf. Blah.
Re-evaluate my passion, the things that fire me up, and figure out how to find time to blog more

Start reading The Law of Divine Compensation
Go on more bike rides with my new BIKE with DDHP and friends
Take my dogs on more walks
Enjoy my down time because I set boundaries, office hours, and hope it's respected (So hard for me if I were to be honest. I am human. I need to rest more. I just hope I can train my brain to let me do it with Grace.)

Love the heck out of my man and squeeze his bum all day erry day.
Take a yoga class, and a cycling class because I NEED to get my rear in gear y'all. (I took a Pilates Plus class instead and I am HOOKED!)


Vacation in Vegas with my blog best friends (DONE SON! AND it was a blast!!)
Introduce Hattie for the zillionth time
Anniversary Shoot (Had to reschedule)
Get my hair did! :) 
Start reading The Law of Divine Compensation
FINISH my website. Boom. 
Finish Editing All March Sessions and Weddings
Photograph 6 Sessions
Photograph 3 Weddings
Finish my Blog with Kelly
Go on a date with Drew
Go to Charleston, SC to photograph a wedding (SO excited!)
Have another "Pretend you have a co-worker" Day!
Pay it Forward
Continue Tour of our Home

The end. :) Hibernation aka SEE YA ON THE OTHER SIDE WHEN I CAN COME UP FOR SOME AIR in my office begins nowwwww. :)

Playlist. Shake it.

Shaytastic Music Mix 13 by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark

March Goals & A Playlist


Hiiiiii. Is this thing on? Hold on a second while I clean off the cobwebs that have graced their way on this blog of mine. Here I am a few days late, for the second month in a row, but I've been late for a reason. Good reasons. I also can't say I'm sorry for being MIA, I can't because y'all, February was a really productive month. It was FULL and it was SHORT and it was a month of awkward, weird, and hopefully smart decisions. If not, life goes on, and so does this blog world, but I have been hard at work over here keeping my head down and focusing on getting caught THE heck up. It's been boring, hard, repetitive, BUT rewarding, amazing (really), and just really different than my usual routine.

To be completely honest, at this exact moment, my brain is spiraling. My heart is being tugged in a million directions, my creative side that I've hidden for quite sometime due to lack of confidence is slowly but surely peaking it's little head out, and it's scary. It's exciting. It's scary. It's overwhelming. Did I mention, scary? SCARY because I'm such a yes person, and I've been feeling led by the Lord to do some really random cool things. You miiiight know what I'm talking about if you follow me on instagram! ;) I'm nervous to even say it out loud or type it OUT because I'm afraid of overwhelming myself to the point that I'll spiral into this place that I don't want to be for the sake of losing control. It's really really easy for me to want to do it all, for the sake of pleasing my gut, and my heart (that's loves too hard sometimes) and GOSH. I don't even know what I'm trying to say except I am so tired of holding back for the fear of failing. Hard. On my face. BUT I've never been THAT GIRL who holds back. And if I do hold myself back, it doesn't last long. I'm learning to just be like, WHAT OF IT Y'ALL! :) WHAT! BRIIING IT!

Anyway, I'm sure you might be sitting there scratching your head, or heck, maybe you're thinking "Uhhh. Ok? You're a nut." And I'd have to agree with you there. But I have ideas. I have crazy supportive friends and family who keep pushing me. And I'm just trying to figure out if I even know I want to branch out a little in a few directions to fulfill some natural passions of mine. What's holding me back is my own self. I know what I can handle, and I know that when my plate is full (it's overflowing but in the BEST way y'all) so I'm going to just continue to pray about it and go from there. I feel what I feel, I do what I do, and this is just the craziest journey figuring out that I CAN DO what I WANT in this life. When you accept that, that's when it all starts to make sense and things start to unfold, and blessings start to pour out. The problem is just letting myself accept it. That's something I'm going to marinate in this crazy brain, gut, and heart of mine. Quite frankly, I'm just sick and tired of letting my stupid self doubt cloud the possibilities of my future. GET OUT OF THE WAY SELF. "MOVEEEE 'SELF', MOOOOOVE OUT THA WAY!" (Name that song!) ;)

All that you just read? MY THOUGHTS. EXPLODED. ALL OVA DA PLACE. Welcome to MY life y'all. It's an adventure I tell ya! :) But I know when I'm feeling like this, that it is usually a good thing. And if not a good thing, there is always a really (hard) but great lesson that will be learned eventually that I will be thankful for at some point. Bottom line is...I just need to let Him keep leading the way. I have to also filter what I let in and let Him control the rest. It's gonna be good. It has to be. :)

Anyway, March Goals. Here we go. Oh yeah, I really, ROYALLY sucked big ones in February. But I will be honest and say I made up for it in gray areas I didn't acknowledge that needed to be taken care of and that alone makes me feel accomplished. Tomatooooeeee TOMAAATOooo.

February Goals 
Photograph 4 sessions (I actually did 5)
Continue to Work on Website
Be completely done with my editing by mid Feb and spend the rest of the month prepping for my busy spring wedding season (It's gonna be crazy but so much fun!)  (I got the editing done that happened before February 1st, anyway and that's awesome for this girl! Holla!)
Get my hair done (Getting it done ONCE a year is not okay y'all lol)
Go on a super cheesy, super sweet, super GAGtastic Valentine's Day Date with DDHP
Get a massage (Lawd knows my body is excited about this one)
Exercise twice a week (Don't hate, even exercising period is an accomplishment these days! :))
Start my HOUSE TOUR! :)  Slow start, but I started.
Paint doors in house
FINALLY post my Ryan Ray Photos!!! :)
Attend a self defense class (It got cancelled due to bad weather. I was going though haha.)
Go visit Amanda to work on GLOW and get a workshop date locked in! :)
Sign up for a film workshop (I already marked this off the list and I am peeing my pants excited over here! IS THIS REAL LIFE!?)
Organize receipts (I at least got them in the same box. That was a big accomplishment.)
Pay it Forward (This makes me so happy y'all…I literally do this once a month or so, and I smile the whole dang day! DO IT! You will love it. Nothing is better than making someone smile.)
Finish my Lara Casey PowerSheets (I have started them!)
Have friends over for an editing party (Any takers? ;))
More handwritten notes to friends and family
Figure out our 5 Year Anniversary Trip for March
Find a hip hop dance on YouTube and learn it and then perform it in my living room…by myself because I CAN and I'M AWESOME!
Lock-In Videographer for Branding Video! :)   (DONE, too. See, this is what happens when your goals are posted late! :))
Start Reading The Law of Divine Compensation (Recommended by my DOLL of a friend, Stephanie)
Love More
Practice Listening More (I love to talk, okay! :))
Breathe More
Pray More
BELIEVE good things are about to happen MORE
Oh, and FLOSS every day. (I hate flossing)
And while I'm at it…make out with my husband MORE. #heckyes


Finish Editing ALL February Sessions
Post Ryan Ray Photos
Introduce Hattie (I am embarrassed. I know. But it's staying until I freakin' do it y'all!)
Celebrate 5 Year Wedding Anniversary with my HOT PANTS!!!
Photograph 3 Weddings
Photograph 7 Sessions
Get out in the sun more. My Vitamin D level is so low according to my recent blood work.
Anniversary Photo Shoot
Go to the Kite Festival with Drew
Go to SXSW!!! (Freakin' pumped y'all!)
Explore those new branches I spoke about above
Start the process of changing my BLOG DESIGN with Kelly
Finish my website. Boom.
Pay it Forward
Get my hair did! :)
FINISH TAXES. Gross. Barf. Blah.
Re-evaluate my passion, the things that fire me up, and figure out how to find time to blog more
Start reading The Law of Divine Compensation
Go on more bike rides with my new BIKE with DDHP and friends
Take my dogs on more walks
Enjoy my down time because I set boundaries, office hours, and hope it's respected (So hard for me if I were to be honest. I am human. I need to rest more. I just hope I can train my brain to let me do it with Grace.)
Love the heck out of my man and squeeze his bum all day erry day.
Take a yoga class, and a cycling class because I NEED to get my rear in gear y'all.

I don't know about y'all but I'm gonna MARCH all over these goals y'all. HAHAHAHA. Did I really just type that? :)

What are your goals!?!?!? Share away y'all! :)

Oh and here's a playlist for your workday. You're welcome.

Shaytastic Music Mix 12 by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark

February Goals


Happy Love Month Y'all! :) February is probably one of my most favorite times of the year! :) LOVE is in the air and there couldn't be anything better. FOR real. All the cheesiness, the corniness, the meaning, the explosion of flowers and teddy bears hugging hearts in grocery stores, the PDA and the puffy hearts in the air makes me one happy lady! :) I'll be that girl you're rolling your eyes at and I'm A-OK with that! It just comes with the territory of being awesome! ;) I kid.

Also, I do realize that I'm a few days late posting my goals, but that doesn't mean that I haven't forgot! :) It's been a doozy of a week with deadlines, unexpected events, etc. so I've been keeping my head down trying to knock some things out around this office of mine. Obviously blogging has been taking the backseat for quite sometime, but hopefully that will be changing soon. I have a lot of really cool things up my sleeve so don't leave me now! I assure you I am about to get my blogging act together! :) :) :)

As for January…It was meh. It was honestly just a weird thirty-one days if I were to be honest. It was full of GOOD-productive days and awesome birthday celebrations but I also had a few days where the whole distance thing with Drew REALLY got me down, and I found myself on my knees praying a whole lot. I really, really miss him and I feel alone A LOT. Working alone, living alone, well, it's not exactly awesome lol. Especially for a 'people person' like myself. I just keep hoping the Lord will provide me more strength while we adjust to this new lifestyle and until then, will continue to PRAY like crazy that I can get through this with Grace. EVEN my animals are looking at me like I'm crazy. It's probably because of the conversations I have with them…er, their voices. HAHA! SEE WHAT I MEAN!? :)

I also realize that I still haven't introduced Hattie on the blog. I know! I know! It's not because I haven't thought about it, but I've just had a lot going on behind the scenes over here; more than I can really explain, and I really WILL make a little post on Miss Hattie really soon. I just have a few important things I need to knock out on my list over here first.

Let's see how I did with my January goals. I wish I could say I knocked it out of the park, but I didn't. I blame it on 'The New Year Funk' - You know what I'm talking about right? A lot of overwhelming ideas, thoughts, etc. that get in the way of actually getting things done. #mylife I think February is where it's at though. I got this.

January Goals

Second shoot with my muffin Jessica 
Celebrate Drew's Mom's (my MIL's) birthday
Celebrate Andrew and his twin sister, Ashley's birthday
Celebrate my birthday ( I'm ANCIENT!)
Attend my cousins wedding as a GUEST :)
Three photo sessions

Continue to simplify and organize my house
Get my house ready to photograph for a HOUSE TOUR (Can't wait!)

Work on Love, The Nelsons website
Plan launch party/announce launch date
Paint doors in house
Yoga class once a week (twice if I'm feelin' funky fresh!)
Drink more water for the sake of my poor little kidneys
Start reducing the amount of sugar intake (My skin is TERRIBLE!)

Floss every single day
Finish all my edits and be caught up FULLY so I can have a dance party with myself (Allllmost there)

February Goals

Photograph 4 sessions
Continue to Work on Website
Be completely done with my editing by mid Feb and spend the rest of the month prepping for my busy spring wedding season (It's gonna be crazy but so much fun!)
Get my hair done (Getting it done ONCE a year is not okay y'all lol)
Go on a super cheesy, super sweet, super GAGtastic Valentine's Day Date with DDHP
Get a massage (Lawd knows my body is excited about this one)
Exercise twice a week (Don't hate, even exercising period is an accomplishment these days! :))
Start my HOUSE TOUR! :)
Paint doors in house
FINALLY post my Ryan Ray Photos!!! :)
Attend a self defense class
Go visit Amanda to work on GLOW and get a workshop date locked in! :)
Sign up for a film workshop (I already marked this off the list and I am peeing my pants excited over here! IS THIS REAL LIFE!?)
Organize receipts (This makes me nauseas thinking about it lol)
Pay it Forward (This makes me so happy y'all…I literally do this once a month or so, and I smile the whole dang day! DO IT! You will love it. Nothing is better than making someone smile.)
Finish my Lara Casey PowerSheets
Have friends over for an editing party (Any takers? ;))
More handwritten notes to friends and family
Figure out our 5 Year Anniversary Trip for March
Find a hip hop dance on YouTube and learn it and then perform it in my living room…by myself because I CAN and I'M AWESOME!
Lock-In Videographer for Branding Video! :)   (DONE, too. See, this is what happens when your goals are posted late! :))
Start Reading The Law of Divine Compensation (Recommended by my DOLL of a friend, Stephanie)
Love More
Practice Listening More (I love to talk, okay! :))
Breathe More
Pray More
BELIEVE good things are about to happen MORE
Oh, and FLOSS every day. (I hate flossing)
And while I'm at it…make out with my husband MORE. #heckyes

I'm also kind of happy knowing I've already made two steps towards my year long goals: My Vegas Trip with my blogging lady loves that we've been talking about forEVER is finally BOOKED AND I signed up for an incredible film photography workshop that will get my closer to my goal of learning film. Now all I need is a Contax. Contax, I'm coming for you! But if you could miraculously cost a lot less, I'd love you much much more. :) I sure do love you February. You may have gotten off to a pretty rocky start (that's life), but you will be a good month. OKAY!? You will. So, get to work. (Yes, this may be a mind over matter thing I need to battle out, but if I speak this into existence, it will happen. I know it! :)

Also, all you prayer warriors…if y'all could say a prayer for one of my dear childhood/lifelong friends and her family, it would mean the world. Her mother (one of my second Moms) passed away suddenly on Sunday and it's been devastating for everyone. The power of prayer is a beautiful gift if we use it, so if you could just keep them close in your thoughts, or even in your prayers this week, I would appreciate it more than you know & I know they would too. <3 nbsp="" p="">

Photo Cred: The Rad Ryan Ray

A New Year: January Goals 2014


Walking back into my office after two weeks off is the weirdest feeling. It's somewhere between awesome and refreshing & scary and overwhelming. It's time to get to work, finish up a few things from 2013,  re-evaluate, re-organize, re-fresh, andddd make smarter choices. I have to say it's contagious reading everyone's goals, seeing Facebook status's that say, "THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR YET!" or "THIS IS MY YEAR!" And you know what!? I truly wish that it really IS the best year for everyone in my life. I admire the positivity that surrounds this time of year and all the "fresh starts" people claim they are making. Some people may roll their eyes and go "Yeahhhh this won't last" and maybe they are right. Statistics may play in their favor, but I was born to be a believer, a lover, and an optimist. SUE ME! :) A really big part of me hopes and wishes that people will stick to their resolutions and make those changes they want to make. I truly do. Some won't but they hopefully will find out something else about their-selves this year that leaves an impression that makes their lives richer. One can only hope. Last night as I was in bed reading a few of my favorite blogs, reminiscing over the year 2013 was for me, and seeing people post about their year made me wonder. What if this positivity we all radiate on January 1st was a year long thing? Or heck, even a lifelong thing? Can you imagine how much happier life could be…for everyone? You know it and I know it…but eventually it is inevitable that 2014 will hand you a bad day or ten and you will question how awesome your life is, sink in your chair with a deep stupor of negativity that naturally engulfs that brain of yours and then this year as we know it will be THE WORST. However, we all know that it's life. It's a beautiful, crazy, unpredictable, incredible adventure that we are blessed with. It's up to us to really make the best of it while we are here. It's up to us to not let negativity win. Atleast that's one of my goals for 2014. I'm ridding off the negativity. It's ugly and it drains way too much happiness out of lives. I refuse to conform. I've learned that attitude is everything. If you think negative, negative things will happen. If you think positive, you're gaining a better perspective regardless of the situation, dark times will come to light and the best part? A happier heart. SIGN ME UP!

Man is my heart in a different place than it was last year. I think this is the case for everyone is it not? There have been so many experiences I've encountered to get to this place, this day, this beginning to a new year. All the good times and all the bad that taught me so many vital lessons and have left me feeling nothing but grateful for them no matter what I felt at the time. I am not going to lie, I feel positive and happy. There is a lot of unknown ahead, but I'm taking that positivity and I'm going to pray that God will feed off of it and reward me with those desires in my heart. He knows what's best for me and this life of mine. Knowing that he's driving makes me smile and feel at peace.

Drew and I sat down for our annual NY pancake breakfast yesterday in our kitchen to write out our individual goals, as well as our goals together as a couple. It's a tradition of ours that we decided to keep after doing this last year and it's really fun way for us to be on the same page. When we sat down to write them out we both kind of just sat there with the paint brush (we wrote them in watercolor this year) and dangled it over the paper. Our thoughts and goals were jumbled but we both were having a hard time prioritizing them in our minds so the paper set there blank. I finally laughed and said, "Well, 2014 is looking like it's going to be full of NOTHING!" I then asked Drew, "So what are the things we DID do this year that we loved and want to make sure we do again this year?" He thought for a minute and said, "Hmm, well, I guess you can say we both found jobs we really love. We found our career paths. " He then joked, "Oh and office hours. Office hours saved our marriage!" And he was right. They not only saved our marriage but they saved my sanity. Then I asked, "So what are the things we did that we DON'T want to repeat this year…" And we both laughed pretty stinking hard at the list of things we blurted out. Man was that list long. We both agreed that 2013 was good but "EXHAUSTING!" Amen to that. Our biggest complaint on both of our ends was that we kept so busy with work, plans, expectations, housework, you name it, that we didn't allow much time for fun. Downtime didn't exist. Adventure didn't exist. Busy ruled our lives. We neglected our mental health and never allowed time for REST. What's life if you can't have fun?

Then it happened. Drew reached over and dabbed my face with paint. Again. And Again. So naturally, I had to break his face ATTACK BACK and then the next thing I know, my rolls of steel on my stomach were hurting from all the laughter and our faces looked like this:

That's what I want this year. More spontaneity. More fun. Less worrying about what's next and just living more in the present.

Two years ago or so I went rummaging through my Great Aunt's home (she passed many years ago) looking for some antiques and decor to add to my home. I found a shelf of old books and this little blue turquoise book caught my eye. I grabbed it with the thought, "This would be a cute pop of color on a shelf" but little did I know how much that book of poetry would mean to me. I've had the book for quite sometime and I've flipped through the pages, but never have I really sat down to read it thoroughly. Last month, Drew and I completed a gallery wall in our living room. I was wanting to add something to our wall besides photos, so I thought, "Why don't I look in that poetry book? Maybe there is something in there I can use." I grabbed the book, and y'all…the very first page I opened…THE VERY FIRST page I saw was this one. I couldn't believe my eyes. Tears slowly formed as I read the titles.


When faith abides within the house… Then truly there is love…As constant and eternal as…The silver stars above…And when affection fills the house…Then surely there is peace… And happy are the gentle hearts…In joys that never cease…For faith and love and peace are one…And as they blend together…They form the perfect rainbow bright…Beyond the darkest weather…And always God is present there…To comfort and to bless…The ones who join in prayer to Him…For health and happiness…And so as faith and love and peace…And God surround each deed… There is no endless shadow and … There is no desperate need. 


A job is something we must have… To buy our daily bread…To get some clothes to wear and find…A place to rest our head…But more than that it is the change…To take our place in life…And to support as best we can…Our children and the wife… To have respectability…And hold our head up high…And prove we have the courage and…The willingness to try…It may be quite a prominent…Or just a humble task…But doing it and doing well…Are all the world can ask…It may not pay a fortune and…It may not be a song…But when we have and hold a job…It shows that we belong. 


The road to happiness begins…In front of every door…If we are certain that we know…What are we looking for…If we are just prepared to face…The problems that arise…And do not fear the gloomy clouds… That gather in the skies…For we must have the strength and will…To see our efforts through…And we must do our part in life…To make our dreams come true…No victory is easy and …No goal is quickly gained…And prizes are not given to…The one who has complained … Our road may be a winding path…And it may twist and bend…But everlasting happiness…Is waiting at the end. 


My entire year of 2013 right there y'all….in the biggest nutshell. I carefully ripped this page out and stuck it in a frame. It's proudly displayed in my living room and makes me smile every time I see it.

We may have spent the beginning of 2013 with  by taking the scary leap into letting me be a full time photographer, moving out of our home, getting our home fixed, living with my brother and sister-in-law in their guest bedroom for 4 months, moving back into our home, getting our home back in order, house projects upon house projects, and working more hours than I can even count a lot of uncertainty and a lack of stability but 2013 rocked. It proved to be crazy awesome in the biggest ways.  Sure, it was hard, but to me hard just means AWESOME. Taking the easy road to me is just not rewarding or worth it. Ya feel me? :) I have finally learned to embrace those lemons in my life that haven't been the ripest, or the sweetest because it's just making my journey towards living my absolute best life even more meaningful. It's giving me PURPOSE. It's writing my story. If I had the perfect life, nothing ever went wrong, and the sun always shined…that's all it would be…perfect. I don't want perfect. I want a life full of those ups and downs, good and bad, happy and sad. It builds character ya know. It also keeps things interesting. What good is a perfect life when you could have a beautiful life of lessons that allow you to appreciate this life? I sit here today with more clarity than I had last year and that is all I could ever ask for.

Last year, our goals were the following: 

1. Fix our house and move.
2. Pay off my car and credit card by June.
3. Brand our Photography Business.

Well, we fixed our house and have plans to move out next year. For now we are enjoying our first home together and are going to save save save this year. What a project this has been. ;)

We DID pay off my car in July (hollaaaa!) BUT then it broke down in August. I'm now driving a different car and I don't hate it. See, life doesn't go juuuust as planned. But the bright side? I did pay it off. I have a new set of wheels and I feel safe.

Photography business has been branded. We just have our website left and it's in the works! Boom jackalackaaaa! :)

Not bad. Not bad.

How did I do with my December 2013 goals?

Introduce Hattie (Seriously!)
Front Foyer Before & After (Have to wait on this but it's done! Waiting on the green light!)
Continue to work on Love, The Nelsons Website
FInish Reading "Boundaries" (Only two chapters left!)
Complete ALL weddings and sessions of 2013 by December 20th (Wasn't realistic once again but I'm getting there quickly)
Only photograph LIFE around me/ No sessions or weddings to re-charge-re-focus-REST & oh yeah, get caught up! 
Get office organized (again) - It's a mess
Send in equipment to get cleaned

Clean out closet and drawers in house (NIGHTMARE)
Get Receipts, Papers, Contracts, E-mails, Hard-drives ORGANIZED 
Focus on the behind-the-scenes of my business that I haven't had time for

Watch my favorite holiday movies with DDHP
Christmas date with DDHP
Be more in the present (Joining Lara in #presentdecember) YOU SHOULD JOIN!! 

Order Christmas cards and send them out to friends and family (We might have gone too far this year y'all…Oh man.)
Host the small group (Coffee & Word) at my house for brunch
Host Christmas Party for Brunch Bunch (Group of sweet muffin photographer friends here in ATX)

Spend more time at home with Drew (Sadly, this is something we HAVE to plan for haha)
Go look at Christmas lights with Drew
Triple  date with friends
Pay it Forward in a big way

Complete all Christmas shopping by December 15th (HA! Try two days before Christmas! :))
Gift myself with two weeks of vacation at the end of this month to breathe, relax, and reward myself for a crazy-tiring-busy year and ENJOY time with my family and friends. My boss has been HARD on me this year y'all. ;) 
Pray. Every. Day.
Pray MORE for others. How can I pray for you?? (Leave a comment below and I'll add you to my prayer list!)
Get myself a MASSAGE. OHHHH yeahhhh. Cannot. Wait. 
Cuddle my heart out with DDHP. Smack his bum. 

Our 2014 Goals 

1. Stress less = less busy. Simplify our lives, commitments and schedules.
2. Mentally prepare and get comfortable with the idea of Baby Nelson's in 2015 or 2016.
3. Vacation - Just the two of us.
4. More fun. More spontaneity. More adventure. More dates.
5. Meet Steph and Neal.
6. Figure out our housing situation. To build or buy? Save. Save. Save.
7. Count Our Blessings, Daily.

Personal Goals for 2014

Learn Film
Host The Glow Workshop again
Cook and Prepare more meals for Drew ( Betty Crocker hates me )
Gain more confidence/Stop apologizing for who I am
Guest speak at a conference/Inspire/Teach/Help the growth of others
Limit the amount of weddings I photograph/More selective
Travel to a place I've never been
Take more photos of MY life
Own a bike with a basket
Try something new
See my work published in a magazine (DREAM BIG! WHY NOT!?)
Less complaining & Less Wanting - I am blessed! I have all I need.
Trust my gut instinct. It hasn't failed me yet but I've failed to listen to it, way too many times
Stop holding back in fear of what other's will think/ BE FREE
Finally make the Vegas trip happen with my blog girls we've been talking about for two years

January Goals

Second shoot with my muffin Jessica 
Celebrate Drew's Mom's (my MIL's) birthday
Celebrate Andrew and his twin sister, Ashley's birthday
Celebrate my birthday ( I'm ANCIENT!)
Attend my cousins wedding as a GUEST :)
Three photo sessions
Continue to simplify and organize my house
Get my house ready to photograph for a HOUSE TOUR (Can't wait!)
Work on Love, The Nelsons website
Plan launch party/announce launch date
Paint doors in house
Yoga class once a week (twice if I'm feelin' funky fresh!)
Drink more water for the sake of my poor little kidneys
Start reducing the amount of sugar intake (My skin is TERRIBLE!)
Floss every single day
Finish all my edits and be caught up FULLY so I can have a dance party with myself

I'm keeping it pretty simple this month in honor of simplifying my thoughts, my life, and my schedule. I really want this year to focus more on my well-being and mental health. You know, not over-doing it, saying no to things that will just add stress to my schedule, and being realistic. I'm really bad at that. Haha! :)

HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL! I raise my hand full of sour patch kids to you! Hopefully they will be more sweet than sour for you! :) 2014…Be good to all of us will you? :) OKAY y'all… SO tell me! What are your goals??? :) Feel free to share them with me! I love reading what y'all are accomplishing! And last but not least…SHAKE what ya mama gave ya!


Photo Credit: Amanda Marie Portraits